CSO Project

The project for empowering and mobilizing individuals, small groups, and CSOs for better governance and accountability, commenced in February 2018 and concluded in January 2021. The action is being implemented in Eravurpattu DS Division, in total of 10 GN divisions. The aim of this project is taking steps towards sustainable development by strengthening Community Centers (CCs), enabling them to be independent actors, participating constructively and meaningfully within their communities. More specifically, the action will focus on three key areas:

  1. Capacitating CCs and individuals to become constructive actors in governance and accountability;
  2. Strengthening CSOs as partners in promoting the social development of women; and
  3. Empowering CSOs to become core stakeholders in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth within their communities.

The following key outputs were reached at the end of the project period.

  1. 29 key individuals received capacity building training and are enable to confidently deal with socio-economic issues within their communities.
  2. 27 members of Community Centres (CCs) received training on active leadership and governance of CCs.  CCs are functioning  well involving with the communities.
  3. 19 trained leaders took on administrative responsibilities within their CCs.
  4. 56 GBV survivors are supported with immediate relief assistance. The women networking group organized   in collaboration with Div.Secretariat  resolved  the cases among them and also this group supported to file court case 15  who are reluctant to solve their problems.
  5. 32 vulnerable families who were struggling to find food each day were provided assistance to establish a home-based livelihood that would earn  some income to resolve their issues.
  6. COVID 19 Response – summary of the assistance provided during the pandemic
    • 580 families were assisted with home gardening seeds.
    • 105 individuals were assisted with cash for work.
    • 17 families were provided with material supports for livelihood restoration.